Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yves Saint Laurent Tribute Sandals

imagem: instyle.com

What's not to love on these sandals? Colors are perfect for our Spring and even being really high, they are comfy.
Did you know they are amongst some of the favourite of red carpet stars??
Sky high yet comfortable and that's all we need.

O que nao amar nessas sandalias? Eu achei as cores inspiradoras para nossa primavera/verao e mesmo tendo o salto altissimo, sao comfortaveis.
Nao sei se voces sabem, mas muitas estrelas que emprestam seu brilho ao red carpet sao fas do modelito Yves Saint Laurent acima... pois alem de as deixar fabulosas, o salto altissimo eh comfortavel.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Colaboracao com o Lista dos Presentes

Keri Russel - instyle.com


Gente!! Olha que maximo.
Saiu minha primeira colaboracao desde que comecei nessa de blog e adorei!

Visitem e me contem e aproveitem para visitar o site do lista tambem!!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Edgy pumps

I loved these jeans platform studded pumps.
What an easy choice - a nice pump goes out with pretty much anything.
The version in jeans with studs gives the edgy rock & roll look and keeps it modern.
Fabulous choice!

For the record, the pictures are from my phone - I wasn't really allowed to take pics

Me apaixonei por esse scarpin jeans com plataforma e tachas.
Acho uma escola facil e basica, um bom scarpin fica bom com quase tudo.
Essa versao jeans com tachas e plataforma dah um ar super rock & roll e moderno.
Uma escolha fabulosa!!

As fotos sao meio "clandestinas", tiradas do I-phone. Por isso estao assim um tanto tosquinhas... sorry

Alice + Olivia - Keds / Because we love a sparkle!

imagem: the shoe dish

Viram soh? Nao eh soh a Converse que anda usando e abusando das lanteoulas, a Keds tambem!
Em conjunto com a designer Alice + Olivia, aih estao os mega fofos keds pra quem nao fica fora de glamour nem na hora de dar uma caminhadinha basica.

It's not only Converse that is using sequins on the sneakers, Keds has their version too!
In colaboration with designer Alice + Olivia, these cuties are available for girls that can't live without glamour, even when they are just walking around in sneakers.

Again... just fabulous!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Glitter total

Amei ver esse Converse todo trabalhado na lantejoula...

Um pouquinho de inspiracao para essa quarta-feira ;-)

Just loved this sequined Converse...

It gives me a bit of inspiration on this beautiful Wednesday ;-)

Glitter total, brilho total...
Just fabulous!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I've had my share of fucked up relationships, moments, jobs and life situations.
Being a free spirit is not easy. Depending on anyone but yourself is even worse.

At this pint in my life I know I have nobody to watch over me but myself and I am haven't been doing a very good job.

Did I think it would be this way?
Of course not.

Was it what I dreamt of when I was a little girl?
Of course not.

Do I have any idea where I'll be living next year?
No way...

Am I worried?
A little bit.

Do I regret the choices I have made?

Do I know what I want?
Hard to tell.

What's next for me now??? Career? Love life? Both? Keep travelling?

It is such a shame that where I come from, success is measured by WHAT one has in terms of material things and not in terms of experiences in life.

I feel out of place in this type of society and maybe that's the reason why I can't seem to find my inner peace here.

Do you wanna know when I am the happiest? When I am around travelling and experiencing life.
When I fall in love for an idea, a place, a guy... I can fall in love easily but somehow I can fall out of love as quickly too.

Have I ever experienced love? I guess I have but not by the ordinary ways...

Here's what I think:
Love is all we need
Love heals
Love hurts too
Love is what moves us forward and keep us alive
There is nothing sadder than not having love inside our hearts...

But for now I think I am in love with myself, finally
After 38 years I found comfort in being what I am, who I am
I know I am a wanderer, always looking for something I can't quite describe what it is
Anyhow, I came to peace with myself and I feel it is just a matter of time for something big to happen

I am aware I have some committment issues, it is difficult for me to settle down
Like I said, I had my share of fucked up relationships but they made me who I am
And I will never settle for less
I will never give myself less than what I know I deserve
I will not be with someone just for the sake of not being by myself
Because the love I now have for me is greater than anything even if people think the opposite

They don't know me
They can't judge me
I am my master
I am the owner of my destiny
And in God's grace I will rest my thoughts
Because he gave me this amazing chance in life
He gave me the world to see
Places to visit
languages to learn
People to meet and love

Always going forward....

Trend alert - red shoes!

Just read about this trend for the next Spring/Summer in Brazil - red shoes!
I saw this trend during my time in the US and posted here in July...

I love them - they make any outfitt look sexy.
A white T and a pair of jeans, just add a red high heel sandal and you are set!!

Incrivel, li hoje na Lancamentos que o vermelho estarah com tudo na nossa primavera/verao. E pelo que vi na minha temporada americana e jah havia postado aqui em julho, eh isso mesmo. Vi muito vermelho em modelitos maravilhosos!

Eu mesma amo um vermelho nos pes, eles fazem qualquer modelito virar sexy.
Mesmo que seja uma camiseta branca e um jenas... calce um saltao vermelho e voila!! Voce estah pronta - sexy e segura!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tom Ford is back!!

Que otima noticia para uma segunda chuvosa...
Li no style.com que o "rei" Ford apresentou uma maravilhosa colecao ontem em NYC.

Para maiores deatlhes, entrem no site do style.com... link abaixo

Isn't Ford the best??

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pink Spring

It's almost Spring in Brazil and I loved this pink wedge I saw in the States.
Am a wedge lover, everyone knows about it.

Take advantage of the sunny weekend ahead and liberate from your Winter shoes on fabulous wedges!!

Entao, estamos quase na primavera no Brasil e eu amei essa plataforma pink que vi nos States.
Todos sabem o quanto amo plataformas, neh? Sou apaixonada!

Vamos tirar proveito desse final de semasna ensolarado que promete e vamos nos libertar dos sapatos de inverno com plataformas maravilhosas... ou mesmo uma havaiana basica... pq nao??

I am loving being back to mny blog, missed it so much!!

Have you all a great weekend

Um otimo findi a todos

Fabs xoxo

Me and him

Don't you guys think it would be the perfect match??

Just a little something to make this Friday even more fun!!

F x

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Random thoughts

I love the word random.
It explains a lot of situations, cases, emotions and I don't think there's any equivalent in meaning in my native language.

Random is the "twisted twin" of Saudade. Just because there's no such word as saudade in other languages. They are not alike in meaning, but in the absence of meanings out of their native language. Quite random, isn't it?

Random Saudade. I like random saudade...


Eat is travelling, Pray is travelling and Love is definitelly travelling

Goa, India - 2008/2009

Eat, Pray, Love
Comer, Rezar, Amar
Eat is travelling
Pray is travelling
Love is definitelly travelling

Quem nao ama viajar?

 Tanto faz se no Brasil, para o exterior, para perto ou longe.
O legal eh fazer as malas, ter aquela expectativa do desconhecido, um misto de excitacao e medo dependendo para onde voce vai.

 Fui abencoada, isso eu sei. Escolhi um trabalho e um estilo de vida que me possibilitaram viver fora do pais por um bom tempo e aih... viajei muito e me apaixonei por essa vida cigana, sem raizes, com liberdade e aprendizado - muito aprendizado.

Novas culturas, novas linguas, novos costumes, novos amigos, novas comidas, novos jeitos para as coisas de sempre, nosso trivial nao tao trivial quando estamos fora. Jah dizia o poeta... navegar eh preciso. Eu digo que viajar eh preciso. Alem de conhecer tudo e um pouco mais, o conhecer a ti mesmo vale mais que tudo.
Nossas emocoes estao sempre diferentes dependendo de nossas experiencias e estando "nomades" ou expatriados nos permite uma gama maior de emocoes, abrindo um expectro que possibilita descobertas maravilhosas e outras nem tanto. Mas vale a pena, eh assim que crescemos - atraves de experiencias.

A mais enriquecedora ateh hoje, fora o amor (nesse caso a paixao, o ato de estar apaixonada), eh a experiencia que tenho viajando e vivenciando situacoes unicas.

 Vou tentar colocar aqui o que eu sinto e o que eu aprendi, dividir minhas experiencias e contar historias engracadas, essa tem muitas... outras tristes. Mas eh assim na vida.

Esse acumulo de viagens eh o meu own Eat, Pray, Love... and Discover, Fail, Fall, Get over it, Get up, Get Stronger and keep on going. Keep on travelling :-)

 Devo ser descendente de ciganos. E certamente acredito que nasci no pais errado. Nada contra Brasil, mas me sinto uma estrangeira em minha propria terra. Estar aqui eh meu exilio. Quase literalmente. Estranho, nao?

 Entao, no embalo do Eat, Pray, Love (Comer, Rezar, Amar)... em breve minha serie de contos e cousas sobre minhas andancas e experiencias pelo mundo. Liz Gilbert que me aguarde (modestia, hein?? ) Eh brincadeira... Jah pensou a Julia Roberts com todo aquele carisma e aquela risada te personificando na tela? What an achievement. Ser imortalizada dessa maneira... Depois de ter vivido tantas experiencias lindas e ter viajado tanto, amado tanto.

Esse eh meu sonho. Continuar viajando e continuar sempre com o coracao aberto para continuar amando. (Sei que estou repetindo continuar varias vezes mas eh de proposito, para CONTINUAR mesmo, never stop living, travelling, loving and believing!!)

Eu cheguei ontem de mais uma viagem... Com muita vontade de escrever :-)