Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Givenchy wedges

Quase surtei quando vi essa sandalia no Sea of Shoes. Eh essa sandalia que quero!!!
Tomara que alguem faca um versao nacional bem legal e affordable, pois nao to podendo comprar Givenchy nao....

I almost had a breakdown when I saw this beauty on Sea of Shoes. THIS is the wedge I want!!!
I really hope some Brazilian label makes a version of it, a cool and affordable one because Givenchy is so not my budget... Too sad.

Dah pra sacar que anabelas sao uma das minhas (muitas) obsessoes!!
Se bem que todo o guarda roupa e todos os sapatos da fofa do Sea of Shoes tambem nao seria ruim haha

Seeing my older posts you have already realised how obsessed with wedges I am right now. They are just one of my (many) obsessions!! Crazy thoughts of a bipolar mind. At least now I have enough control not to go shopping around like crazy when mania comes to me.
I would luv to have the whole wardrobe from Sea of Shoes girl, isn't she lovely? Super super super cute.
Fabulously cute, actually.
Imagens: Sea of Shoes


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lol Wedges!! Thanks for your support!

