Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The perfect pump (or scarpin)

We all need that perfect little pump that goes with everything, from work to happy hour or dinner with friends, right? And sometimes it is not easy to find a comfy yet nice shoe.
I was given my perfect pump back in China, 2 years ago, while living and working there.
There I was, working for a shoe company called Ecco, which is a huge Danish company with factories and tanneries all over the world and their moto is comfort. And they DO deliver it! I've never worn such comfortable shoes.
My daily routine included visits to factories to check shoe production... South China is hot. I would rather wear my havaianas to work, believe me! But these pumps were great and I could go from a whole day standing at shoe factory floors from the almost daily happy hour at our local pub and dinner with friends.
Searching online yesterday I found that Ecco is still producing them. It's such a shame we don't have Ecco products in Brazil, but for those in Europe and USA it's worth trying.
Many of you will say.. these are not the best looking pumps... ok, I respect that. The heel is shorter than many others but the quality and the comfort are undeniable.
And they are all made in leather, including the lining! I have 2 pairs, both in patent - one Black and one sort of purple and I love, love, love them!
If you are looking for a pump (or any type of shoe), always pay attention on quality and fitting. A shoe should never hurt nor cause blisters, no matter what!
And you? Do you like pumps? How do you wear them??
And because it is Winter in Brazil, I will talk about boots tomorrow. One of my shoe passions, fabulous boots!!

Fabs xoxo

Todas nos precisamos ter aquele scarpin perfeito, que vai do trabalho ao happy hour e ao jantar com amigos. E nao eh tao facil encontrar um modelo comfortavel e tambem bonito.
Esse problema me foi resolvido quando ganhei 1 par desse scarpin na China, ha cerca de 2 anos, quando eu vivia e trabalhava lah justamente para a Ecco, uma grande empresa dinamarquesa com fabricas e curtumes espalhados pelo mundo. O lema deles eh comforto e eles certamente fazem jus ao lema! Eu nunca havia calcado scarpins tao comfortaveis...

Minha rotina diaria incluia visitas a fabricas e verificacao dos sapatos na linha de producao... no calor do sul chines onde eu certamente iria preferir calcas minhas havaianas para trabalhar! Mas esse scarpin eh o maximo e eu ficava em peh o dia todo na producao das fabricas e depois seguia para meu happy hour no nosso pub local, feliz da vida e sem dor nos pes!
Ontem eu estava visitando a pagina da Ecco e vi que eles ainda produzem esse modelo. Pena que nao temos Ecco no Brazil, mas quem vive nos EUA ou Europa podem procurar e garanto que irah valer a pena.

Sei que muita gente nao vai achar o modelo bonito e moderno, respeito a opiniao claro. Soh que todas nos precisamos um scarpin "coringa" no armario e esse da Ecco eh extremamente comfortavel e com qualidade muito boa.

Eles sao feitos 100% em couro, inclusive o forro. Eu jah tenho ateh 2 pares, ambos em vernoz, um preto e um meio lilas e amo demais!

Se voces estiver procurando por um scarpin (ou qualquer outro modelo de sapato), preste sempre atencao na qualidade e no calce. Um sapato jamais pode machucar seus pes ou causar bolhas, isso eh inadmissivel e eh justamente para evitar que acontecam casos como esse que existem muitos profissionais nos bastidores, para garantir o melhor para quem calca.
Voce gosta de scarpins? Ou outro tipo de modelo? E com o os usa? Me escreva seus comentarios, vou adorar responder.
E jah que eh inverno no Brasil, amanha eu vou falar sobre botas. Minha paixao em se tratando de sapatos, tenho varias e elas sao simplesmente fabulosas!

Com amor,
Fabs xoxo


  1. You know I had heard many times the motto of Ecco being all about "comfort" and so several weeks ago I decided to put their slogan to the test. I purchased an (expensive) pair of Ecco's new style, light grey pumps. They are leather and have wooden heels. Unfortunately they are not nearly as comfortable as I thought they would be! I am wondering if I am just the sort of girl whose feet can't bear to be in heels - of any brand! The most comfortable pair of shoes I own are from Nine West - leather stretch ballerinas... every time I put them on I wish I had bought 10 pairs to last me a life time, as I just can't seem to find comfortable fitting shoes ANYWHERE!!!

  2. Hey Nat! I remember those Nine West ballerinas. I guess I was there with you when you bought them in HK. But they gave you blisters the first time you wore them... this can happen, but it's not that common.
    Why don't you send a picture of your Ecco shoe to someone back in DG?
    Emma used to have a pair of these Ecco pumps and she loved them!
    I know that Ecco has a great policy where you can go to the shop and change the shoe if you have a problem.
    They are really open minded and they like to have the customer's feedback on their products. That's how improvements are done.
    If you need any help, let me know.
